Differential Drive Mobile Robot Positioning System and Target Tracking

Image Processing Course

In this project, we implement a differential drive mobile robot positioning system and target tracking using image processing techniques. The system is designed to localize a robot in indoor environments using:

  • a ceiling-mounted camera for real-time tracking
  • an ESP32 microcontroller
  • a Python program on a PC for image processing and control decisions
  • Aruco markers for target identification
  • a differential-wheeled robot

To process real-time video feed from the camera, we use OpenCV and Python. Operations such as intensity transformations, geometric adjustments, and Aruco marker detection are performed to facilitate accurate target tracking. The closed-loop feedback mechanism ensures responsive motor control based on real-time image analysis.

Check codes for Image processing and control along with ESP32 codes in this repo.

Exhibition fully working System
Data flow and Workflow Diagrams
Hardware Design
Circuit Diagram
Different scenarios for the robot where two aruco markers represent the robot front and back and one marker for the target. The scenarios show different positions and orientation of the robot and the target.
Prices and availability table
(Ram: RAM Electronics shop, Bab Ellouq, near Tahreer square, Cairo, Egypt)
Demonstration of different scenarios

Team members

Course Instructors


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