
General Information

Full Name Hadi Elnemr
Date of Birth 1st February 2000
Languages Arabic, English, German


  • 2023-2025
    Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Embedded Systems (Infotech Program)
    University of Stuttgart
  • 2022
    Bachelor Thesis
    RWTH Aachen, Germany
    • Cyber-Physical Mobility (CPM) Lab at Chair of Embedded Software
    • {"Thesis topic"=>"Lane-level Map Matching Algorithm for Model-scale Vehicles."}
  • 2018-2023
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mechatronics Engineering
    German University in Cairo


Open Source Projects

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • DAAD Full Scholarship recipient for pursuing the Master of Science in Infotech program at Stuttgart University.
  • 2022
    • Ranked 1st on Mechatronics Engineering at the German University in Cairo (Comulative GPA after 6th semester)
    • Full Scholarship 6 months Bachelor Thesis at RWTH Aachen, Germany. (CPM Lab in the chair of Embedded Software (Informatik 11))
  • 2018
    • Ranked 98th on Egyptian General Secondary (Thanawya Amma) Amongst +600,000 students
    • 70% Scholarship for Bachelor's studies in the German University in Cairo

Academic Interests

  • Autonomous Vehicles.
    • Control.
    • Path Planning.
    • Map Matching
  • Control Theory.
  • Embedded Systems.

Other Interests

  • Reading
  • Competitive Programming